Includes the Second Edition Ink Witch Tarot Deck and extensive Companion Book, along with two expansion packs for a total of 28 extra cards for customizing your tarot deck.
The Ink Witch Tarot Deck is a traditionally illustrated watercolor and ink tarot deck which draws imagery from ancient mythology, European folklore, Arthurian legends, pagan witches, and the subtle but power magic of the modern world. It features a color palette of cool grays and warm sepia tones, with an emphasis on hand-drawn illustrated aesthetics. It includes extra versions of both the Lovers and Devil cards to allow for a more personalized experience. The deck also includes two versions of a unique “Witch” card to represent the reader or querent.
The companion book includes more than 200 full color pages covering everything from how to begin reading Tarot for the first time, to detailing the unique artistic design of the Ink Witch Deck. It is a useful guide for new tarot readers, as well as a helpful and in-depth companion for the Ink Witch deck even for the most experienced readers. It includes several traditional and unique spreads, information for first time tarot readers, and full-page descriptions for each of the cards in the Second Edition base deck as well it’s two optional expansion add-ons.
The “First Expansion” features alternate artwork for some of the cards in the base deck, as well as some artwork from the original first edition Ink Witch Tarot Deck that was removed in the Second Edition.
The “Second Expansion” features alternate some artwork for some of the cards in the base deck, but it’s primary focus is on providing alternative names to some of the traditional ones in the base deck, such as renaming the Queen and Kings “Guardians and Sovereigns.”